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Why choose Our School

Excellence Attitude

The strength with which an attitude is held is often a good predictor of behavior, thus, throughout the College, an attitude of excellence is pursued. Students are challenged to be the best that they can be, academically, in co-curricular and personally. pupils are given the permission to challenge themselves and, therefore, to take responsible risks. By supporting students in a caring and nurturing environment, the high expectations that each child is held to, they create a lifelong attitude of willingness to tackle the challenges of life.


21st Century Learning

Desire of Nation Redeemer’s School seeks to equip its pupils as life-long learners in the 21st Century. Learning incorporates appropriate experiences and technologies that enable students to reflect upon and contribute to the world of today. We aim to personalize learning in a collaborative and supportive environment. Our teaching methods are grounded in evidence-based research. As a result, we have adopted the Art and Science of Teaching as the pedagogical framework that shapes the way we teach. 

Academic Pathways

Desire of Nation Redeemer’s School provides challenging and supportive pathways for all students, from Early years to Year Group. As an inclusive school, striving for excellence, our aim is to assist students to explore all avenues that will aid them to serve society and reach their full potential. Ultimately, DONRS pupils are equipped to pursue tertiary, vocational and employment pathways through a variety of programs and a diverse range of elective subjects in their final years of study. 

Outdoor Education

The Outdoor Education Program at Desire of Nation Redeemer’s School is a planned program for Early Years and Year Group. Its aim is to develop self-confident pupils who have a positive appreciation of their own worth as individuals. The program is more than just a series of camps, being focused on personal development which nurtures pupils’ capabilities for service and leadership. Desire of Nation Redeemer’s School flagship camp is the Outdoor Education Experience, pupils are introduced to new and exciting activities which develop skills including initiative, teamwork and resilience.

Co-curricular Opportunities

Co-curricular activities are an extension of pupils' educational experiences at Desire of Nation Redeemer’s School. It is further evidence of our holistic approach, providing opportunities for pupils to develop academically, socially, spiritually, physically and creatively. Pupils can choose from culturalmusic, and sport activities, ensuring the needs and interests of our diverse pupils population are met. DONRS is broadly recognized for its outstanding reputation in the area of music and performing arts. Pupils are expected to engage in at least two co-curricular activities each year.

Our Environment

School Size

Not too big, not too small – just right! Desire of Nation Redeemer’s School is the perfect size school for your child. At DONRS, we have strategically sized our school to achieve both our academic and our pastoral goals. With 600 pupils, we have the capacity to offer and resource a wide range of core and elective subjects. At the same time, our staff and students can genuinely get to know each other.

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